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Wednesday, May 11, 2011



1. I have not committed murder, neither have I bid any one to slay (kill) on my behalf;

2. I have not committed rape (take anything by force), neither have I forced any one to commit fornication

3. I have not avenged (get revenge for) myself, nor have I burned with rage (anger);

4. I have not caused terror, nor have I worked affliction (pain);

5. I have caused none to feel pain, nor have I worked grief;

6. I have done neither harm nor ill, nor have I caused misery;
7. I have done no hurt to man, nor have I wrought (shaped) harm to beasts;

8. I have made none to weep;

9. I have had no knowledge of evil, neither have I acted wickedly, nor have I wronged the people;

10. I have not stolen, have taken that which does not belong to me, or that which belongs to another, or have
I taken from the orchards (garden), nor snatched (grip quickly, kidnap) the milk from the mouth of the baby;

11. I have not defrauded (cheated), neither have I added to the weight of the balance, nor have I made light
The weight in the scales;

12. I have not laid waste the plowed land, nor trampled (stepped heavily or nosily) down the fields;

13. I have not driven the cattle from their pastures (feeding on grass in open meadow), nor have I deprived
(Lacking certain necessities) any of that which was rightfully theirs

14. I have accused no man falsely, nor have I supported any false accusation;

15. I have spoken no lies, neither have I spoken falsely to the hurt of another;

16. I have never uttered fiery (hot tempered) words, nor have I stirred (affect the emotion) up strife (fight);

17. I have not acted guilefully (dishonestly), neither have I dealt deceitfully (dishonestly), nor spoken to
deceive to the hurt another;

18. I have not spoken scornfully (tease), nor have I set my lips in motion against any man;

19. I have not been an eavesdropper (one who listens in another person's private conversation)

20. I have not stopped my ears against the words of Right and Truth;

21. I have not judged hastily (quickly), nor have I judged harshly (cruelly);

22. I have committed no crime in the place of Right and Truth;

23. I have caused no wrong to be done to the servant by his master;

24. I have not been angry without cause;

25. I have not turned back water at its springtide, nor stemmed the flow of running water;

26. I have not broken the channel of running water;

27. I have never fouled (pollute) the water, nor have I polluted the land.

28. I have not cursed nor despised (hate) God, nor have I done that which God does abominate (hate);

29. I have not vexed (anger, irritate) or angered God;

30. I have not robbed God, nor have I filched that which has been offered in the temples;

31. I have not added unto nor have I diminished the offerings which are due;

32. I have not purloined (steal) the cakes of the gods;

33. I have not carried away the offerings made unto the blessed dead;

34. I have not disregarded the season for the offerings which are appointed;

35. I have not turned away the cattle set apart for sacrifice;

36. I have not thwarted (prevent) the processions of the god;

37. I have not slaughtered with evil intent the cattle of the god;

38. I have not acted guilefully (dishonestly) nor have I acted in insolence;

39. I have not been overly proud, nor have I behaved myself with arrogance (غطرسة)

40. I have never magnified my condition beyond what was fitting;

41. Each day have I labored more than was required of me?

42. My name has not come forth to the boat of the Prince


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